L.A. Main Physical Therapy
LA Main Physical Therapy was created in Beverly Hills in 2003 by Fabrice and Alexandra Gautier. The main philosophy is to give patients access to the best individualized care as possible, in order to treat rehab and prevent injuries. Our patients are seen as unique individuals with their own history of traumatism, emotional stress, food habits, and their own level of athletic performance.
Beyond the expertise of Fabrice and Alexandra Gautier the outpatient staff at La Main will work along with the patient and their referring providers to develop a rehabilitative plan that produces the best results for each individual. At La Main we use the combination of what we describe as “our best tools” our hands and some carefully selected equipment to achieve pain free life. Through specific manual therapy assessment and treatment we emphasize the mobility realignment of the numerous different tissues and fascias of the human body (muscles, ligaments, tendons, viscera, joints, bone…)