FabriceGautier | Fabrice Gautier - Performance and Health Therapist Specialist
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From Elite Perfomance to every day People

Life Changing Expertise

Fabrice Gautier works with professional athletes from various sports, as well as people from all walks of life and ages. Fabrice Gautier has traveled around the world to work with Rudy Gobert, Giancarlo Stanton, Kevin Love, Carmelo Anthony, Joakim Noah, Tony Parker, Victoria Azarenka and private clients. He’s also served as the French National Basketball Team’s Osteopath since 2009 and worked with both, men’s and women’s team, at the 2012 Olympics.

Jack Dempsey

A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t

Who is


Not your typical sport’s professional that only sees athletes at their considered prime age; Fabrice is someone that, besides having that specialty and experience with top professional athletes and teams, also sees many patients from different walks of life. This forges an invaluable wisdom that equips him with unprecedented understanding towards the mindset, techniques and tools. Plus, he works with an extended, trusted and proven network to offer a wholesome restructuring towards the goals to be achieved. Life changing shifts occurs even towards athletes’ expectations because he has accomplished that kind of results at all ages and conditions.

“I see people not a patient with a condition or need. It’s a process of constant exchange and learning of body, mind and soul. For the last 20 years, a 3 weeks old baby to a 75 years old man coming into my office living his life always worried that something not good was gonna happen until I told him: Why don’t you think something better is going to happen? And at that moment we started a snowball effect towards the best version of himself.”

More about Fabrice
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Bleacher Report Article


How did this come to be? The road to James’ feet begins, in part, with French workout guru Fabrice Gautier, who has been working with NBA athletes for almost a decade as the osteopath for the France men’s national basketball squad. Through his work abroad and in his Los Angeles facility, Gautier is close with Rudy Gobert, fellow banana-boater Carmelo Anthony, Joakim Noah and other pro hoopers needing offseason workouts to prep for the NBA grind.

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Victoria Azarenka Therapist